
2023 Camping Lot Assignments

We have finished the camping lot assignments, the lots are all marked out, and now we will allow the parking of campers starting Friday morning. Please remember that we will turn on the electric at 5pm on Friday evening, so plan your cold items accordingly. Also remember to allow four feet between campers and be respectful of neighboring lots when you extend your slide-outs. State law requires the four feet between campers, so if everyone keeps their camper at least 2 feet from the lot line, we will not have any violations. Also, please back your camper into the lot, the health department requires that the camper be easily accessible in case of emergency and they want us to back in with the hitch towards the driveway.   Also, please come to the office to check in and pickup your campground packet.

You can find the assignments on the fence as you enter the campground. I’ve posted a photo below to help you identify where it is located since it is not the same place as last year. If you have an questions, please call 231-924-4450 and select option 2.

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