
Barn Watch

We are getting close to fair week.  Things are getting busy and the grounds are really looking great.  We need to remind all exhibitors that there is a requirement to perform at least one shift of “Barn Watch”.  We anticipate at least 25,000 people to attend the fair this year and they will be viewing all the wonderful things that the exhibitors have created and grown over the last year.  We would hate to have even one exhibitor loose what they created due to theft or vandalism.  Unfortunately we do have people who can’t respect the property of others.  In order to help protect that property we have created the “Barn Watchers” schedule.  Please go to and look on the right hand side of the page and find “Current Volunteer Opportunities”.  Please pick a shift and do your part protecting all the exhibits.  There are three buildings that we need to have watched during the open hours.  All exhibitors are required to volunteer for at least one shift.

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