County Fair: Aug 3-10, 2024


Correction-Attention Poultry Exhibitors

After much discussion the Committee has made the decision to run our poultry show as a ONE-day event. Please know that this was NOT an easy decision, but we feel we are doing what’s best for our exhibitors and the birds. Here is the schedule of events for the day.

*Check In- 7:00-9:00 a.m. Monday August 5th

*Pullorum testing is still required. It will be done by a different certified tester at a fee of $3.00 per bird (1 Market bird).  If this is a hard ship, please notify me ASAP, I do not want this to be a reason a child can’t show!  

*Each bird will be inspected for sickness, and external parasites prior to being caged. 

*Families will pen birds in groups, each bird in an individual cage as in the past, with a separation between groups.  Cage cards will be on each cage with exhibitors’ number and animal information on the Tag.

*Showmanship will start at 2:00 in the Bird Arena, followed by Market and Breed birds. Kids are required to be at the cage of their market birds for judging, they will pick up birds for the judge. We encourage exhibitors to be by their pens for breed judging as well.

*Birds will be excused after the show. Meat Birds will be sent to the processor Monday evening, each exhibitor needs to be present (or a representative) to load the birds. The birds will be then frozen for the auction. Buyers will get the birds they purchased the night of the auction.

*Pictures of Market Birds will be done Monday morning.

*Market Bird pens will be taken down and cleaned following the loading of the birds. This is a group effort and goes quickly!

We would love to see kids make a poster board with either pictures of their projects or educational information to hang on the cages after birds have been dismissed. The Committee is going to have some fun games set up in the barn and bird pavilion for the kids during the week, we would like them to sign up for barn duty to watch over our activities. A sign-up board will be posted in the barn.

If anyone has any questions or concerns, please contact Amy Gerwig 231-730-4601 or Mikayla VanBoven 231-740-3878

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