Thank you for participating in the Newaygo County Agricultural Fair. If you have any problems registering please feel free to contact our office at 231-924-4450.
If you click submit too early, call and ask us to review your submission so that you can get back in to finish. Please do not enter a new user account. Multiple user accounts gets confusing and is very inefficient for us during fair week.
For help, please view these files:
Click here to determine whether to use a FairEntry login or a 4H Online login.
If you are having difficulty logging in to FairEntry with 4H Online, please try logging in to 4H Online first. If successful, contact Charlie or Colleen and ask them to refresh the 4H Online integration. It is possible that the last refresh was done before you paid your 4H dues. If unsuccessful, please contact the Newaygo County 4H Staff.
Here is a 3-minute video that demonstrates the entry process for families: How to Register with FairEntry.
Email Charlie at charlie@newaygocountyfair.org, or Colleen at colleen@newaygocountyfair.org
or call 231-924-4450, option 8 for assistance.