- Pre-Fair Meeting is scheduled for Monday, May 13 at 6:30 pm in the show barn on the fairgrounds.
- Fair week camping site registration will be open following this meeting.
- Fair week camping site registration form.
- Fairbooks are available online at https://newaygocountyfair.org/fair/fairbook/. Hard copies of the fairbooks will be available soon.
- FairEntry Registration is open. Please call the office at 231-924-4450 option #8 or email registration@newaygocountyfair.org for help to enter. Fair registration deadline is July 1.
- Please keep in mind that 4-H enrollment and fair registration are not the same. If you would like to participate in 4-H, please enroll at https://v2.4honline.com by July 1. If you would like to exhibit at the fair, please register through https://newaygo.fairentry.com by July 1. Enroll in 4-H and register for the fair if you would like to do both!
- Fair wristbands will be available for sale at $5.00 each to 4-H youth enrolled in Newaygo County 4-H from September 1, 2023 – July1, 2024. The fair wristbands will allow 4-H youth admission to selected events held in the Main Arena during the Newaygo County Agricultural Fair. Fair wristbands are sponsored by the Newaygo 4-H Council.
- Questions about the fair? Please reach out to the Fair Office at 231-924-4450. info@newaygocountyfair.org
- Questions about Newaygo County 4-H? Contact me at platteb1@msu.edu or by calling the MSU Extension office at 231-928-1056. 4-H Enrollment deadline is July 1.
Swine Dept Raffle Sale
Newaygo County FairSwine DepartmentFinished Hog Raffle The NCAF Swine Departmentis raffling off TWO finished hogs!Processing