The Executive Board has decided to hold the Pre-Fair Meeting on Monday, June 13, 2022 at 6:00 PM. This date and time was selected to make sure that the fair book will be available for the meeting and the time allows the board to move right into the board meeting at 7:00 PM. We will be holding the pre-fair meeting in the Show Arena once again. There will be parking available behind the old grand stands. We will be covering a lot of new information at this meeting to include parking, trailer parking, flow of traffic, and many other items of interest. We have a big new arena to move around this year. It will take the cooperation of everyone to make the new traffic flows and parking situations work.
Swine Dept Raffle Sale
Newaygo County FairSwine DepartmentFinished Hog Raffle The NCAF Swine Departmentis raffling off TWO finished hogs!Processing