
Proposed By-Laws Amendment #4

Current Article 5 – Officers, Section 1

The Officers of the Fair Association will be elected at the next regular meeting following the
Annual Meeting. Elected Officers shall be members of the Board of Directors. The President,
Assistant Treasurer, and Secretary will be elected to 2-year terms on even years, and the Vice
President and Treasurer will be elected to 2-year terms on odd years. The Trustee will be
elected annually.

Proposed Article 5 – Officers, Section 1

The Officers of the Fair Association will be elected at the Annual Meeting by the association members. Elected Officers shall be members of the Board of Directors. The President, Assistant Treasurer, and Secretary will be elected to 2-year terms on even years, and the Vice President and Treasurer will be elected to 2-year terms on odd years. The Trustee will be elected annually.

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