
Proposed By-Laws Change: Absenteeism

By-Laws Change Submission

Executive Board

Article 4

Currently Reads:


Any Director not attending three consecutive meetings shall be contacted by the Vice President to see if they are still interested in serving on the board. The Board of Directors may appoint a member to serve the unexpired term of a Director who is no longer interested or has resigned.

Change to read:


  1. Any Director not attending three consecutive meetings shall be contacted by the Vice President to see if they are still interested in serving on the board.
  2. If an Elected Director misses 4 consecutive meetings and there is no contact from the absent director, the board of directors may vote to remove the absent director and fill the open seat.
  3. If an Appointed Director misses 4 consecutive meetings, the appointing agency will be notified that the seat is considered vacant until they appoint a new person to fill the seat. 
  4. The Board of Directors may appoint a member to serve the unexpired term of a Director who is no longer interested or has resigned.


This is a strengthening of the current by-laws giving the Board of Directors more control over the number of participating directors. This will give the Board the strength to create a board that participates and attends meetings allowing for more consistent quorums and better decision making.

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