
Proposed By-Laws Change: Director Positions

By-Laws Change Submission

Executive Board

Article 4

Currently Reads:


The following group of Directors are appointed by their respective agencies:

  1. Newaygo County Board of Commissioners
  2. Newaygo County 4-H Council
  3. Newaygo County Farm Bureau
  4. Newaygo County Michigan Association for Family and Community Education
  5. Newaygo County Soil Conservation
  6. Newaygo County Chamber of Commerce
  7. Fremont Area Chamber of Commerce
  8. White Cloud Chamber of Commerce
  9. MSU – CES (non-voting) member

Change to read:


The following group of Directors are appointed by their respective agencies:

  1. Newaygo County Board of Commissioners
  2. Newaygo County 4-H Council
  3. Newaygo County Farm Bureau
  4. Newaygo County Michigan Association for Family and Community Education
  5. Newaygo County Soil Conservation
  6. River Country Chamber of Commerce (Southern Rep)
  7. Fremont Area Chamber of Commerce
  8. River Valley Chamber of Commerce (Northern Rep)


This is a clarification and editing change:

There has never been a Newaygo County Chamber of Commerce, this is a typo in the book. 

White Cloud, Grant, Newaygo, and Croton Chambers combined to create the River Valley Chamber of Commerce.  Since this is a much larger organization, and it used to have two separate seats, the “Northern” and “Southern” reps keeps the board’s current consistency.

The MSU-CES seat is a duplication of seats, the 4-H Council seat should be the representative from MSU.  Also, since this is a “non-voting” seat, why list it?  FFA is not listed here, these are “Supporting Agency” seats and are listed elsewhere in the fair book.

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