A majority vote of the directors of the Newaygo County Agricultural Fair Association on Monday, December 14, 2020 has rescheduled the 2020 Annual Meeting. We will hold an in-person Annual Meeting on Monday, January 18, 2021 at 7:00 PM at the fair office. If this meeting is not able to be attended in person, a Zoom meeting will be held. A committee has been established to work out the voting criteria and methods in case of a Zoom meeting. If we are to have a Zoom meeting, there will be the ability for members and directors with no to limited internet access to spread out in the Fair Office to adhere to social distancing protocols.
Swine Dept Raffle Sale
Newaygo County FairSwine DepartmentFinished Hog Raffle The NCAF Swine Departmentis raffling off TWO finished hogs!Processing